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Home  ¸í¹®½ÅÇдëÇпø
Denominational Index : UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST
Andover Newton Theological School, Admissions Office
210 Herrick Road Newton Centre, MA 02459-2243 U.S.A.
E-mail : admissions@ants.edu
Phone : (617) 964-1100, ext. 272
Fax : (617) 558-9785
URL : http://www.ants.edu
Master of Divinity Program
M.Div - General Curriculum Design
M. Div - Degree Requirements
M.Div - Field Education
M.Div - Regulations Relating to the M.Div. Program
Master of Arts Programs
M.A. - General
M.A. - Psychology and Religion
M.A. - Research
M.A. - Theology and the Arts
M.A. - Master of Arts in Religious Education
M.A. - Regulations Relating to the M.A. Programs
Master of Sacred Theology Program
Doctor of Ministry Program
D.Min Track
Application Fee U$ 50 English Scores TOEFL: 550 (213) ÀÌ»ó

Application Policies and Procedures For International Candidates

DEGREE PROGRAMS : Andover Newton considers applications from international students for the Master of Arts (5 different tracks--see application form), Master of Sacred Theology (STM), and Doctor of Ministry (DMin) (6 different tracks) degrees. Church bodies generally prefer that candidates prepare for ordination in their home country. Therefore, we do not ordinarily accept international students (except from Canada) for the Master of Divinity (MDiv) degree, unless the candidate¡¯s church provides strong support for study in the United States and/or home country lacks adequate theological education. Please contact the Admissions Office before applying for the MDiv.
ACADEMIC PREREQUISITES: In order to be considered for admission to the STM or DMin degrees, applicants must have completed six or seven years of post-secondary academic study (equivalent to a U.S. Bachelor¡¯s degree and a Master of Divinity). The MA degree programs require four years of post-secondary study (equivalent to a U.S. Bachelor¡¯s degree).

INSTRUCTIONS : In order to be considered for admission to Andover Newton Theological School, you must submit all of the items listed below. All submitted application materials become the property of Andover Newton Theological School and cannot be returned. You may submit an application on paper, or you may apply on-line at: http://www.ants.edu/admissions/online/index.htm. A complete application includes the following items:

1) APPLICATION FEE : Submit a $50 check or money order made payable to Andover Newton Theological School. This fee is non-refundable and cannot be waived.

2) APPLICATION FORM : Complete the application form, including your intended degree program, signature, date, and entry point. International students may apply to begin in the Fall semester only. Non-US citizens currently residing in the United States, whose English is determined to be sufficient for graduate level academic work, may also be able to apply for the spring semester, but please contact the Admissions Office before applying.

3) REFLECTIONS ESSAY : Address all points listed in the essay instructions on the application form. Essays should be five to ten double-spaced typed pages. (Note different requirements for DMin applicants.)

4) OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPTS : Official transcripts of all academic work completed since high school are required. Official transcripts have the official college seal and signature, and must be mailed directly to Andover Newton's Admissions Office from the issuing institution.

5) SATISFACTORY TOEFL SCORE : For applicants whose primary language is not English, a TOEFL exam is required. The applicant must show proof of completion of the TOEFL exam with a score of 550 or higher on the paper-based test, or 213 or higher on the computer-based test. (The TOEFL code for Andover Newton is 3004.)

6) TWO INSTITUTIONAL ENDORSEMENTS : Written endorsements must appear on the Institutional Endorsement forms. One endorsement should come from your local pastor and the other should come from a denominational representative in your home country. The endorsements must come from two different people, even if your pastor also holds a leadership position within your denomination.

7) THREE LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION : At least one recommendation must be from a pastor or church official. The other two recommendations should be from people who have worked closely with you in an academic, professional or ministry-related capacity. Sign and date the section of the recommendation form that indicates whether or not you waive your right to have access to read the recommendation.

8) FINANCIAL GUARANTEE INFORMATION : Once we receive some of your application materials, we will calculate a Financial Guarantee Worksheet listing the estimated costs for completing your intended degree program, including tuition, fees, housing and food, books, clothing, local transportation, health insurance, and miscellaneous expenses. Signatures and the specific amounts of money each person is pledging in support of your education may be recorded on a Financial Guarantee Form, or sent by letter or email. Pledges of support may be sought from your local church, denomination, international groups, family or friends. You must submit a Financial Guarantee Form (or pledges in other written form) with signatures and amounts of money (in U.S. dollars) you can currently guarantee in order for your admission application and your scholarship application to be considered. Documentation of these financial resources (such as a current, official bank statement) must also be submitted. To help you plan, please note that generally, we estimate that a program which requires two years of study (STM), will cost approximately $U.S. 30,000 with no family members joining the student. Degree programs requiring three years of study (MA, MARE, DMin) will cost between $U.S 42,000 and $U.S. 48,000 with no family members joining the student. Tuition costs, which are already included in these. amounts, range from $U.S. 10,000 to $U.S. 20,000, depending on the degree program.

9) SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION (Optional) : A scholarship application must be submitted only if you are interested in being considered for scholarship assistance. The amount of scholarship aid available from Andover Newton is limited and, if received, only covers tuition expenses. Even if a scholarship is granted, applicants should still expect to pay between 65% and 85% of educational and living expenses. (Approximate expenses listed above.) In order for your scholarship application to be considered, you must have been accepted for admission to Andover Newton, and you must have updated Financial Guarantee information, including documentation/proof of financial resources (such as a bank statement). The criteria used to award scholarships are listed on the instructions for the Scholarship Application form. As scholarships do not cover all expenses, you are expected to be able to provide most of your own financial resources, which you should document on the Financial Guarantee Form and submit with your admissions and scholarship applications. Scholarship applications of accepted students are considered in late April. If your financial resources change, you must submit updated information by these dates.