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Denominational Index : BAPTIST
Wake Forest University Divinity School P.O. Box 7719
Winston-Salem, N.C. 27109-7719
Admissions : (336) 758-3748
General Queries : (336) 758-5121
Vocational Formation : (336) 758-3517
Fax : (336) 758-4316
E-mail : divinity@wfu.edu
Telephone : 817-923-1921 or 1-800-SWBTS-01
URL : http://www.wfu.edu/divinity/index.html

Master of Divinity Program
Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling
MA Program in Religion

Application Fee U$ 40 Deadline May 15 (Fall)

All applicants to the master of divinity program must have earned a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university. A well-rounded liberal arts degree is the best preparation for the M.Div. degree program. Prior course work in religious studies, while not required, is certainly appropriate preparation.

Applicants should show evidence of personal integrity, spiritual and emotional maturity, qualities associated with effective leadership, strong communication skills, creativity and personal initiative, and intellectual discernment. As a University-based graduate school, the Divinity School seeks students who will constructively engage the diversity of the University, with openness to learning from persons of other religious traditions and from those who hold divergent values and commitments.

Applicants are selected on the basis of academic potential for graduate-level work, genuine promise for ministry, a clearly articulated commitment to Christian vocation, and evidence that the applicant will benefit from as well as enhance theological education at Wake Forest University.

Graduate theological education and vocational formation require a substantial commitment of one's time and energy. The M.Div. program is designed with the assumption that students will be enrolled full-time. Individuals interested in part-time study should consult with the Office of Admissions before applying to the program.

Individuals desiring admission to the M.Div. program should request an application packet from the Office of Admissions. In addition to the application, candidates must supply supporting documents that include:

• official academic transcripts from prior educational institutions attended
• four letters of recommendation and endorsement (at least two academic references)
• the applicant's personal essay
• an application fee of $40
• GRE (optional)

Once an application is complete, the applicant will be notified and the file will be forwarded to the faculty committee on admissions. All applications are read and evaluated by members of the faculty and recommendations are forwarded to the Dean. One of four recommendations may be made by the committee: full admission, admission with stipulations (or probationary admission), postponement of any action until a later date, or decline of admission. Applicants will be notified as soon as a decision is made.

An Admissions Interview
Applicants are encouraged, though not required, to visit the Divinity School and meet with a member of the admissions staff. The director of admissions is available to assist individuals in clarifying vocational issues related to theological education. Campus visits should be arranged through the Office of Admissions.

Admission to the Divinity School
Beginning in December of each year, the committee meets regularly to make recommendations to the Dean concerning admissions. Initial offers of admission will be sent out as early as mid-February for the following academic year. Applicants will continue to be admitted on a rolling schedule until the class is full. Given the limited number of positions in each entering class and the exigencies of financial aid resources, applicants are advised to apply as early in the process as possible. Generally, applications will not be accepted after May 15 for the following fall term.

Deliberations of the Admissions Committee are confidential. Applicants who receive letters offering admission as a candidate for the M.Div. degree will have thirty days from the date of the letter to reply in writing to the offer. Admitted applicants are not required or expected to reply to an offer of admission prior to receiving a confirmation concerning financial aid.

Applying to the Divinity School as a special student
A qualified individual may apply to enroll in a course (or courses) as a Special Student. Special Students may earn academic credit without being admitted to the M.Div. program. Applicants must hold a baccalaureate degree and meet other requirements. Some courses are not open for enrollment by Special Students. For more information, contact the Office of Admissions.